What are you supposed to do?

It was "May the 4th Be With You" day. I probably would have found some way to watch one of the Star Wars movies, or holler like a Wookie, but instead I spent the first half of the day in the hospital. I was 8 weeks pregnant and started spotting about five days earlier. I wish I had known sooner that you should see the doctor if you bleed more than three days in a row, all I knew was that spotting was normal. But the spotting slowly increased until on Saturday my mother in law suggested going to a clinic to get checked out. I called the Tricare nurse line because I was scared and didn't know where to go, and at their suggestion to the hospital I went. There was a lot of waiting and a lot of Chip and Joanna Gaines on our room's TV. After several hours of worrying and cramping, it was the ultrasound that confirmed my suspicions. No heart beat. They didn't have to tell me, I could just tell by the picture on the screen. The doctor warned me that a miscarriage ...