There's always someone

For those of you who read this and don't know, recently (ok, maybe more like a few months ago) I made the decision to go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This decision was never part of that standard five year plan that each of us have when we graduate from high school. You know the one, the plan you write to all those scholarship foundations and colleges. I only jokingly entertained the idea of a mission. Well imagine my shock to recieve the impression I should go. Sharing the gospel is not my strong suit. In high school I actually avoided the idea because I didn't want friends to think I was weird or pushing my religion onto them. I was always afraid of talking about my church. I tried sharing it when I was younger, I even helped my best friend join the church. We ended up falling out because of her lying and drug habits, and then I became down right frightened to share the gospel. Do you know what it's like to share such a big piece of yo...