Just thinking...

For those of you who are reading this and don't know, I got my mission call (which, awesomely, was sent on my birthday) to the Argentina Neuquen mission, which I was told is the biggest mission in Argentina, and maybe even the southern most. I still have to check that one. Anyway, Just to get some things out of the way, Am I excited? Yes.... I dunno, I find that a stupid question asked often. Why wouldn't I be excited? I'm not outwardly excited, I'm not constantly jumping up and down going "Oh my gosh, Argentina!!!" I mean, I'm excited, just not in a hyper way. I'm... happy. I think being happy is good enough, I don't have to be crazy-off-the-wall-ecstatic to be excited. And to clarify for everyone, I don't view this as a travel opportunity. I think if I was sent state side I would be just as happy knowing that the Lord chose the place for me. Actually, after dealing with the visa, I wouldn't mind stateside... Do I know Spanish? Heck no. I ...