Joseph's testimony

So yesterday as I was leaving the temple I met a man crossing the street. His name is Joseph Kanoho Keliikoa, III. He has mild cerebral palsy and a hearing disability, but he's still very cognitive, don't be fooled. As I was crossing the street he greeted me like I was his best friend from his science class and introduced himself. In our conversation he handed me a slip of paper with his testimony on it. He said that he does it because his patriarchal blessing says that he needs to share his testimony with everyone, and I want to help him do it.
Joseph also works at Photo Poly at the PCC if you ever want to meet him :)

Dear brothers, sisters, family and friends! Aloha! I would like to share my testimony as a disciple and special witness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This true church has blessed my life as my family lives forever. I know this to be true. I know we have a great, loving Father in Heaven, and that we are all his precious children. He truly loves, cares, and prays with all his heart that we will return back in to his presence with our brothers and sisters in our loving home here upon this earth and for all eternity. That is a great blessing to know and to feel by the Holy Ghost.
      I know Jesus is the very Christ. He is my brother, my Savior, our Savior, and our Greatest Friend. We can rely on Him and return and live with Him and Father in Heaven for eternity. I know through His atonement, we can be clean before them through repentance and live. I know Jesus Christ called us friends. That is a wonderful blessing and a great joy in our lives. I truly know that He bled from every pore as He entered in the garden. That true love He has is real. That really made Him special in my life as well as yours too. I know Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God. I know that he restored the fullness of the blessings of God back on the earth. We can bless our families forever with the Melchizedek Priesthood. In the temple, we can be sealed to our families forever. Most importantly, the Book of Mormon, that great, special witness of our  Savior Jesus Christ, is the keystone of our faith. I testify it is true. I know Joseph Smith saw our loving Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ in his very eyes in answer to his prayer. But Joseph Smith knew that no enemy then present or in the future would have sufficient power to frustrate or stop the purposes of God.
       We are all familiar with his prophetic words: "Our missionaries are going to different nations. The standard of truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independently, til it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, til the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done." I know that Prophet Thomas S. Monson is truly the Lord's servant that leads as well as guides His people to exaltation with great love in his heart, mind, spirit and that great charity. I know that he as well has seen our Savior and Heavenly Father in his experience that was so marvelous. I know, truly know, that parents, grandparents,uncles, aunties, missionaries, families, friends, brothers, sisters, ward leaders, stake leaders, home teachers, visiting teachers, seminary teachers, apostles, seventies, stake presidency, bishoprics, primary children and youth of the church, neighbors everywhere from past, present, and future has true pure testimony that they hold dear in their humble hearts. I know that be true. We are true special witnesses of the true church that lives forever. I know this church is the very true church upon this earth and the Holy Ghost bear witness thus to be true. I know that my message and my testimony I shared with you are true. I would like truly invite you all listen to the prompting of Holy Ghost that Heavenly Father gave unto you. Will you please come and share your testimony with us as Lord's representative and true friend among us all. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Joseph Kanoho Keliikoa, III

 The slip of paper Joseph gave me.


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