Week 8! Two More to Go!

So in crazy news, we should be getting our flight plans in the next few days! One of our sisters going to California got hers last night, so most think tonight! It's still mind boggling. I can't believe in two weeks time I'm going to be on another continent! Whoa! Sometimes it feels like I'm going to spend all my time here in the MTC. Not saying that's bad. Not saying that's the best thing either.

This week has been... uh, weekful. I don't really have any highlights, except for the fact that Elder L.Tom Perry spoke to us on Tuesday. The funny thing is we just saw him on Christmas. He spoke about the restoration and his testimony of it. Spiritual and delightfully tall. He's got an excellent combination going on there.

One of our teachers, Hno.Richardson (BETH!! I love you) said that my companion and I have been teaching more powerfully this week, to which we're both like "Really?" But I can see where he's coming from. Our lessons this past week have been most excellent. Why? I don't know. Some of them have been really good, but some... like yesterday. We had the TRC (Teaching resource center where all of our lessons and spanish vocab and yada yada are based off of and we teach volunteers we've never met before) and we were late, and so we didn't have enough time to get to know our investigator so we just launched right in with teaching and addressing his needs, which were about tithing and being able to pay and also support his family. He was supposed to be a new convert to the church, but he was telling us that he has a mutual understanding with God about how he shouldn't pay tithing. He was driving us insane! But in the way where you can transplant your own understanding into someone else's head so they can wrap their head around how good the gospel is! We asked him if he had faith in God. "Of course." Do you believe that God can do anything? "Yes." Then God can help you pay your tithing! "No, I can't do that." GAAA!!! Then we tried the whole thing of God will bless you based of a scripture in Malachi, and Hna.Jones was being a good sister missionary saying that God will give us SSSOOO MUCH. "No, I can't do that." Then I tried my final approach, Do you love your family? "Yes, of course." Do remember about learning about being with them forever? "Yes, I think so." We recieve these blessings and so many more blessings for our salvation in the Temple, but you can't go to the temple unless you keep your covenants and the commandments. You need to keep the law of tithing to go to the temple, so that one day you can be sealed to your family for forever. If you love your family you'll pay your tithing you can all enjoy these blessings. "I dunno. I don't think I can do that." And this guy supposedly was just baptized!!! Like a week ago! It's not like I was super de-dooper mad at him or wanted to strangle him, but I have to admit, I was frustrated that he wasn't listening to what we were saying. We bore testimony, we said how we know the blessings are true, a tear or two was shed. But still he was being stubborn and not taking in what we were saying. Oh the life of a missionary.

In other news this week... It's been very stressful. Emotionally anyway. I've already been in to see a counselor and go again on Teusday. Today my companion and I are fasting that I can find some healing and healing for others. It's been very hard and has opened up my eyes to a lot about me. Stuff I've never ever realized before, and I always thought I was an honest person about myself. But the unearthing of these feelings have left me feeling like I'm someone I've never met before. And I think it'll be a while before I can wake up and say "I'm okay," but that day will come, of that I am sure. It's because of this gospel. With out the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge of his love for me and the Atonement, I would be lost. Probably dead a long time ago. But because of the knowledge of who I am I can move on. THANK GOD for the Atonement, because I cannot even fathom where I'd be. Oh my God, the mercy you've had on me. It's how I know I can move on, that I can be like thee, and that there is joy to be found in this world.

Don't you worry about me, I'm not coming home and I'm not planning on coming home until my 18 months are up. I can know that one day I can say "All is well."

Take care and lots of love, Hna.Georgeson

P.S. before I leave, do you want to send some trail mix my way? Not a whole heck of a lot, but a little bit? You don't have to. I'm just really craving trail mix right now. 2.5 more hours of fasting!

P.S.S. Mandy Hales, I really wish I had your 'Burg address so I can write to you! I want to let you know I love getting your letters with mucho fun that make me giggle! I would write this to you personally to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated, but alas, I'm hoping this will suffice for right now! Mucho amor!!!


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