Once again an interesting week in Zapala!

I didn't write on Monday because we had zone conference. My first zone conference! It was really cool, like actually meeting missionaries here in the Patagonia, and also it's just a really nice bolster in all this chaos to see President and Hna. Peterson. There's nothing like being around your mission president and his wife. They bring such a calm and reassuring spirit, me encanta!

Our focus in conference was the Atonement and the Book of Mormon. We have a challenge to read the Book of Mormon before Easter as a mission, and we were encouraged to read with an emphasis in the Atonement. We talked a lot about that, and really what blessings we have because of it. I know it has blessed me to be able to realize what blessings I have received, what mercy the Lord takes on us. But also that so many people don't have this comfort or this hope. They don't know and they suffer because of it. How important are our callings as members of the Church to minister to all. My plaque (I think that's like the plaque from your teeth... I don't know how to spell that word, okay?) only has a little significance in the work. Everybody can invite others to come unto Christ. Everybody can open the door to a greater and more valuable relationship with the Savior.

We only have a few more weeks here in the transfer; we're already more than halfway through! How fast the time flies!!! I still don't know my area that well, but I've been working on that. My companion has only two transfers left and she's been here in Zapala for a long time, so I want to make sure I'm prepared to show someone else the area just in case she leaves. ARAHGIOGNAGN! My mission experience is crazy and like no other. I know everybody can say that, of course their experience is unique and crazy, but dude, really, mine is really crazy! But if the Lord thinks I can do it, then by gum I'm going to try to do it.

Oh! Funny story! I totally got mega sick on Tuesday of last week! I barfed in the house of a part member family. Let's just say that my breakfasts of banana and cereal still make me a little nauseous. Every week the president's wife gets another call from me or my companion saying "Um, Hna. Georgeson has another problem...." The Hna. Peterson and I are going to be tight by the end of my mission. I thought I was all better from my allergies and my nasal infection and everything, but my voice is going wonky again and I'm having trouble hearing, but I hope Hna. Peterson won't get another call from me. Curse you germs and sickliness! I will not give in!!! NUNCA!!!

Anyway, because of zone conference we had hermanas from another area stay, and so we did splits. I did splits with an hermana from Buenos Aires who has the same time on the mission as me, but way more mad skills with Castellano (obviously) and about two more months experience than me. We tried finding an investigator's house that we've been needing to go see, but I totally did not know how to find it. Hna. Porter tried explaining it to me, but psh, no way was I going to find it. We ended up stopping at a corner to pray, and I prayed that we could find the house, but if not, then we could be directed to someone who needed us and who was ready for the gospel. So, we kept going and we could not find the house. We ended up starting to do contacts at houses, and the first house was a woman who, oh man, my companion and I need to go see!! She was "re buena" or like just awesome, and I'm stoked to go back.

My Spanish skills are getting better. I take Alma 26:22 seriously, and right now I'm working on the exercising faith thing. But it's getting better. Not perfect. The phrase in Castellano "me cuesta" or like, whatever, you can look it up, is very familiar to me, but hey, I can have a conversation! I have a loco elder from Buenos Aires right next to me right now and he talks wickedly fast, and we can talk. Entonces, mejor.

Whoever wants to send packages can in small bubble envelopes, and hint hint I'd love hot chocolate or taco seasonings, or recipes for sandies! Or a nail file...
mucho amor! xoxox, Hna.Georgeson

Mamma, Try telling me about the boys! They might think their lives are uneventful, but I don't think so! Every week people ask me about my family, and all I can really say is "I think they're doing okay?" But I still love you!


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