First of all, before I forget, I didn´t say packages, but bubble envelopes. They don´t open manilla bubble envelopes, and the things you send in there shouldn´t be all that expensive. If you really really can, If you can send me some ibuprofen in a baggie or something mi cuerpo would absolutely appreciate it. I totally can´t handle the Argentine ibuprofen here, it´s awful. It´s so strong, it dopes me up! I'm like a drugged up wet noodle. So that would be so nice! Pretty please!

So this has been a wickedly hard and frustrating week. Although we've been working hard, our numbers don´t show it. According to our numbers we've hardly done anything. But at night we come home and we're just exhausted. We're honestly trying! My companion and I have really been looking forward to pday for a break from Zapala. We got permission to go to Neuquén to do my DNI, which are the papers I officially need to be in the country. That and Neuquén has a lot of cheap stuff, way cheaper than Zapala. Hooray for cheap!

Well, I my comp didn't tell me that I needed my passport, she said she didn´t think so after we had left the pension, so we got here after three hours on the collectivo only to find out I can't do anything today, so now I have to come back again during the next transfer and do all this stuff, and then my companion couldn't do any of her stuff because she didn't even know she had stuff to do! Afterward we went around, she bought a camera to replace the one she forgot on a collectivo a couple transfers ago (and in Argentina NOTHING is safe, you can't leave things left around for a second or else they're gone forever), and then we went to two stores to go shopping (explaining one purchase of a needed cardigan). In the second store when she went to go pay for her stuff she went to look for her wallet, which which was in the bag with her camera not in her backpack, only to realize it was gone. She left it in her dressing room and when she went to go look for it it was gone. Somebody totally jacked her stuff. Her license, her cards, her mission credit card, her cash, her everything. It was frusterating at first because losing things and forgetting things happens a lot with her, and a lot of the time I don't want to say anything to be bossy because I am junior companion. But alas, I figure this is a call to duty to help her out more and not to take the "the junior companion back seat."

Alas, just to boil it all down, this week has been a week of learning opportunities. I'm trying harder to open my mouth more and to be more proactive. Sometimes with some families I don't understand what they're saying, or what in the world I need to say, or it's just that I find them really intimidating. But I can listen more actively, I can pray more earnestly for the gift of tongues so that the Lord can fill my mouth with what I need to say, and these people find me as intimidating as I find them. To every excuse and fear I have, there's always something to deflect it. I just need to remember them!

In missionary news, we have two baptisms this week, a mother and son. We're going to have to make sure we work hard with them to make sure they understand this commitment and stay active. They haven't had too much education and need a little more help, but with the Lord we can do it! And we should be setting at least 3 more baptismal dates this week, three great people! And more if we can get away with it. We have some great investigators right now, so when you pray for me, pray for them too. They need it too. If not more than I do.

Love you all! Know that I think about you and pray for you often.

Follow the prophet, pray and read, and prepare :)

con amor, su Hna.Georgeson


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