Transfers today!

Mamma, don't worry about it. If you could send me stuff it would just be really sweet. It's not like I'm demanding it of you.... Or am I? I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!
Ok, not really.

We have transfers today. I'm staying and my companion, Hna. Porter, is going to Roca, about an hour away from Neuquén capital. In two months with three companions! Hna. Porter has been here for the past six months, so it's really hard for the members to see her go, and really hard for me to be the one to come in after her. My new companion is Hna. Polasias? I don't really know how to spell her name, but we believe she's from Paraguay, and supposedly she's an awesome cook.

Dang. More delicious food to eat.

So yes, you heard me right, my first Latin companion. After only three weeks with my trainer, one transfer with my second companion, and now they want to give me a Latin. I'm gonna die!!! I won't be speaking English for a while now, so bear with me in my emails if my grammar starts going downhill.

In other recent news, we had two baptisms this weekend! A mother and her 8 yr old son. Rosa's husband first invited the missionaries to their home because he really wanted to change his life around, and Rosa wasn't really into it. The more they were taught her husband's interest kind of disappeared, but Rosa was like "Yeah, I'll go to church," and bada bing bada boom, she and her son are now members of the church. They've lived pretty rough lives. Her husband is unemployed and they live off of welfare so they're really poor. On top of that, Nestor, her husband, is home during the week, but on the weekends he leaves to go drinking and what not with his friends and doesn't come home till about Sunday night or Monday. Before Hna.Porter said sometimes they would come and Rosa would have bruises on her. I think, though, that having the gospel brought to their home has helped them. Not completely with him, but I've never seen bruises on her or their kids, and he seems a little bit more sober. Not in a "I'm-not-drunk" sense, but a bit more together. She doesn't always understand everything we teach, or what she reads in the Book of Mormon. She's only got a 6th grade education, but it goes to show the Lord can bless anyone with the knowledge of these things. She might not understand with her head, but she can feel something. I already know I'm going to be learning a lot from her. Her humility and patience and forbearance are amazing.

I'm not going to lie, I'm scared out of my wits about this transfer. Me cuesta tanto con mi Castellano. Trying to pick up where Hna.Porter left off freaks me out. I'm so afraid because Hna.Porter is such a loving person, and the investigators and members know her so much better than they know me because I don't talk. I'm just afraid they won't open up to me and they'll just stop listening. I'm afraid because I totally don't know the area. The roads and barrios are so confusing. I'm afraid because our area book is in bad shape and doesn't have the addresses or last names of most of the investigators, so it's up to me to recognize houses and update the book. The work here in Zapala is amazing. People are so willing to hear the gospel. But there's so much to fix right now, and it's me who has to lead the way because I've been with the area.


The Lord has put me in this pickle for a reason. Apparently He thinks I can handle it. So this is going to be a transfer of prayers and pleading. And please pray and plead for me.

I pray for all of you because, well, I LOVE YOU! And I want you to have what I have and more. I read in Moroni 2:13-14 this morning and it really struck me hard. Dice:

"But behold this my joy was vain, for their sorrowing was not unto repentance, because of the goodness of God; but it was rather the sorrowing of the damned, because the Lord would not always suffer them to take happiness in sin.

"And they did not come unto Jesus with broken hearts and contrite spirits, but they did curse God, and wish to die. Nevertheless they would struggle with the sword for their lives."

And that's how some people live out their lives. How awful is that? That's not life. That's nothing. I don't even want to imagine living a life like that. But lately we've been finding those for whom this is life. And that's why I'm here. To bring them life where they are dead.

And as an annoying tidbit that all missionaries tell you, but that's why you are all so important! We all know people who are dead, spiritually dead, but you have the means to bring them life. If you really love your friends and family, share what you have with them. Don't let them curse God and wish for death. Pluck up the courage and share.

I love you all so much and want to hear from you! Tell Adam it's just an email for heaven's sakes. He can read it. He doesn't have to email me back. It would be cool, but he doesn't have to. Just read the thing by gum.

Keep reading your scriptures and follow the counsel of the prophets! They will never guide you wrong.

Mamma, you don't have to worry about me losing things or anything like that. I've got it down. Really. Don't worry about it.

Oh crud, where'd my camera go?!??!?!

Just kidding!

love love love love, Hna. Georgeson

P.S. While I'm thinking about my last name, most people totally don't remember my name because it's so different for them, so now I just tell them they can call me Hna.Georgi, lovingly bestowed upon me by a crazy elder from Buenos Aires.

Entonces, amor amor amor amor, Hna. Georgi


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