It's snowing!

Daddy! You get the official Email, how special are you?

Na, it's that I finally got my camera to work on the computer so I'm emailing photos to mama. And Mama, I know you're reading this, make sure the cuter pics get out. There are some for only the Georgeson's pleasure. POR FAVOR!
(These are from the MTC. I expect more now that she has figured out how to use it.)

Anyway, it's been a thrilling week here in Zapala!

First of all, we just finished another transfer here, and I'm still here with Hna. Polacios. It's been a lot better with her. A lot. We're looking forward to working together and learning together.

It snowed!!! On Wednesday like just over a foot. It was a freak snow storm because it never snows that much here. Although it was pretty the first day or two, the roads are now serious muddiness and we still get pelted with snowballs by the occasional adolescent hooligan. Hip hip hooray! And supposedly it's going to snow again this week. Oh Zapala, how lovely thou art.

Also, *bum budabummmmmmmmm* Baptism!! Our investigator de oro (of gold we would say in the good ol' U.S. of A). His wife is a member and he's been coming to church for the past four months or so. He finally got baptized on Saturday and it was awesome! Their whole family are now members and he's super psyched about taking his family to the temple. Hna.Polacios and I have a good feeling that he's going to be a rock of the gospel here in Zapala.

MAMMAMAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I've got to go already! But I'll try to send off more pics next week! lovovovovovove you all lots!

xoxoxox, Hna.Georgeson


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