June 14 Ayudame!‏

The title of this email means "Help me!" Therefore please do so.

I'm so very ready to bang my head against the wall. Only if God doesn't zap me with a lightning bolt first.

First of all, I feel terrible. Not only physically because yet again I'm sick, but spiritually. Working has been so hard this week, and our numbers show it. I'm coming to the slow realization that if I don't work with all that I have not only am I wasting my time, but the Lord's time- and God is the kind of person you don't want to tick off by wasting His time.

Of one thing I can testify is of the blessings of obedience in the first place. That when we obey from the beginning that we receive rich blessings of peace of knowing what we're doing is right before the sight of God. And when we don't obey we will feel like crap. This is a law irrevocably decreed from heaven! I promise! I'll find a scripture to back me up.

In happy news our recent convert, Diego, who got the priesthood a week ago, not only passed the sacrament yesterday, but is going to baptize one of our investigators this saturday! We were going to break the happy news to him, but the Bishop beat us to it. Diego's wife told us that he said "I'm going to kill the missionaries! I'm going to read the Book of Mormon slower now!" He's still reading his BoM (3-4 hours a day he told me.... whoa!!!!), but in about 8 hours he was already memorizing the words to perform the ordinance and thinking about practicing it on his wife. It's amazing. His whole family is amazing. His wife is a testimony powerhouse. How blessed am I to know such a person and be involved in their conversion.

We have 2 baptisms this weekend- an older couple in their 70's- Cloromiro and Janina. They've had a bumpy ride, but they're looking forward more day by day to their baptism. They're coffee and tea drinkers, but we taught the Word of Wisdom yesterday and they totally were okay with it and willing to put these things away. The thing that is the best is that they're totally family centered. The idea of eternal marriage is something that really hits home for them, and they love spending time with their children. They want us to send the missionaries to their son! It's great.

Alas, I'm almost out of time!

But a few things...


B) I bought a winter coat today for the least amount of money I could find. It really is cold here and my coats weren't doing the trick. It's why I'm sick now. Please forgive me but I had to do it. I HAD TO DO IT!


D) Know that I love you.

Something else for you members and anybody else out there... HELP THE MISSIONARIES!!!! Fellowship in the church and find and invlove those who are less active. Please. They need you.

Lots of love and cinnamon gummy bears, Hna.Georgeson

P.S. Is everyone okay at home? I'm not going to lie, I'm a wee bit worried.

P.S.S. Bethybubbykins- it has been sent. Now you just gotta wait another 2-3 weeks :) xoxo


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