June 21" GGGOOOAAALLL!!!!!!!!!"

It's funny that you said something about family history. Yesterday my companion and I were with our most recent converts and we spoke about family history work. They already have been interested in their genealogy (lordy, I don't know how to spell that anymore) and about ten years ago spent some time researching. How awesome is that? Their baptism was great. His sister, their neice and their daughter and her family all came, and many more members came than normal, although it was an icky day yesterday. Juliana (not Janina, my bad) was baptised by a brother in the ward with tons of experience and when she went down accidentally swallowed some water. When she came back up we thought she was dying! Not litterally, but we were concerned. She's older right, with health problems. We were all like AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! But she was okay. And then Cloromiro's baptism was performed by our convert from about two or three weeks ago. His first baptism already! The first time he went down in the water his elbow was sticking out so he had to do it again. The whole baptism part was... interesting. A slightly worrysome experience. But-

Afterward Juliana and Cloromiro bore their testimonies at the end, and although their baptisms were less than glorious from our side of the glass, they gave such sweet testimonies. Especially Juliana. At times she's self concious about what she says, and she got up and said "I- I don't know what to say. It doesn't come out. I really don't know what to say. I've been to many churches, I always enter with faith, but this is where I feel God." I was so content to hear her say that! This is the same woman who when my other companion and I first found them, we thought we would never get through to them. We were about to stop visiting them. And now they're the members of the ward with whom everything just clicks. It's amazing!

Also in happy news- WE REACHED THE STANDARD!!!!!

This means that the goals for the mission- the numbers of baptisms, lessons, contacts, etc- we reached/surpassed them all! To reach the standard is very rare because at times there aren't many people to teach, there aren't those who progress. BUT this week has been a week of miracles. My companion's foot stopped hurting her as much as before and so we could walk faster, we go downtown to the hospital for her treatment every other day so we´ve taken advantage of the time to do contacts, by some miracle many doors have opened and we've found new people to teach. For the past three weeks we haven't had anyone who was progressing to put a date to be baptized, but by some miracle we found them. We found a family of old investigators (almost six or eight years that they've known the church), and last night when my companion extended the invitation to be baptized, accepted. In no way, with no reason, should we have been able to reach the standard. It makes absolutely no sense. God will always be a God of miracles, eh?

In other news, I'm a huge fan of homemade bread. I love making it. Today for lunch my comp and I are going to eat french toast with my bread! YUM! But without syrup. There ain't no syrup here. What a bummer. Meh, whatever!

Also the Mundial is going on- the World Cup of soccer! FIFA!!! WOOO!!!!

I'm not going to lie- it kills me that I can't watch. But alas I still know what's going on; it's all they talk about here! My team- France- has won one and lost one. I'm so disappointed. They're a wickedly awesome team! How could it be?!?! Whenever Argentina plays the streets are empty, the taxis are still running, but nobody's in them- they've all ran into their houses to watch the game! All is silent until Argentina gets a goal, and then out of the silence- and I'm not making this up, it really happens- you can hear yelling and screaming and noise makers ALL OVER THE CITY. Then people begin yelling and screaming out their windows "GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I personally love it.

Thank you for the support and prayers. I'm really glad to hear from you this week. I was a little bit worried, but I'm glad to hear that you're all doing okay and working- even if it is only in the yard :)

Take care of my baby, I want to see her in 11 months.

And take care of yourselves, I want to see you in 11 months too.

Love you all!!!!!!!

xoxo, Hna.Georgeson


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