Bariloche, Alto 1 ward

Bariloche, Alto 1 ward. My area is covered with hills. I'm so not kidding. We are so tired by the end of the day it's hard to climb up the stairs to get into our apartment at night. We both feel like we're just now opening the area. We've been doing lot of knocking on doors. Believe it or not, even though it's a touristy place, it's not that bad. We've found a lot of great people lately. It's the Lord blessing us for our diligence to walk up all of these hills! We can still feel the success that we're going to have here. We know we're going to turn this area around.

This past week we've meet a lot of people from other religions (some nicer than others... even a Buddhist! She was sweet). We had a guy threaten to call the cops on us. Qué mala onda (what bad attitude)! But alas, we finally merit the title of hard core according to our zone leader. oh yes. Hard core I am.

The other Elders are great here in Bariloche. We love our zone leaders. I've heard a lot of E.Jensen from my trainer. I've also heard he makes really good chili. I'm going to be talking to him about that. Also, E. Argueta from El Salvador is priceless. His laugh always makes you smile. He leaks pure joy. And he's really smart when it comes to gospel stuff. We always call him and ask him questions. And just talk about the good ol' work of the Lord.

My companion and I get along really well. We've decided that we're the same person, but one in a taller body. In all seriousness. We have the same preferences, the same dislikes, the same sense of humor. We even read each other's minds every once in a while. It's insane! No really, it's crazy how much we're alike.

Send my condolences to the Parkes. They really are good people and I hope they're doing okay, especially with his mom.

I still pray for all of you. Keep moving forward. Do the little things that make a big difference! Pray! Read your scriptures! Have family home evenings (you'd better still be having them)! Little things, I know, but I can't tell you from this side of the fence what an incredible difference it makes in the lives of the people that we serve.

I'm sending letters with pictures today, so keep a watchful eye!

Love you all so much!!!

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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