7 Months to Go!

Remind me to tell you the joke about wow mom when I come home. To me it's hilarious! Maybe not to others, but it cracks me up every time :)

I don't remember what I wrote you last week. This week has been calm. We have some investigators that are really progressing. One is María de los Ángeles. She is wonderful. She's accepted the goal of getting baptized! She has an adorable daughter, Macarena, who has a personality twenty times bigger than her body. I love it! We're so happy for her and her willingness to heed the call of the Savior.

Another is Lucas, whose mother is a less active member. He's 12 and has had the influence of the church in his life his entire life, but has never gone. We're teaching him, and he reminds me so much of Adam. It's funny. But yesterday when we were talking to him he told us that he prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true, and he said that afterward he felt funny. A good kind of funny or a bad kind of funny? A little bit of both. It's just that it's weird, these feelings of the Spirit if we've never felt them or recognized them before!

This is something that I was studying in the morning. Receiving revelation, or answers, through the Spirit and prayer. Read Moroni 10:3-5 and examine what he tells us that we need to do. Try it out. Sentence by sentence try it, and follow his counsel. Let me know how it all turned out.

Send EVERYONE my love and my greetings, and we'll be talking soon!

xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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