Follow the counsels of the prophets

Carlos is out of town in Chile still. Cell phones from here in Argentina don't work in Chile so we can't call him, and he hasn't called us. My companion and I have a joke that he's there forming his own Church with our books and doctrine. Crazy Carlos. Nah, we have no idea of what's happened to him.

Roque and Isidro were not baptized. We've postponed his baptism a week so we can help prepare him more. It was a little too immature. Roque texted us the morning of his baptism to tell us that he couldn't be baptized that day because of a family problem. We're going to set up a time this week to go see him and talk some more.

First of all... I LOVE CONFERENCE!!! I feel so cheated that it didn't last longer, and now I have to wait another six months! Really, it went by so fast. But what I love about this conference was that I felt like it spoke specifically to me, about some things I've been thinking about in my life. There are many things in the conference that I heard that they probably said before, but I really wasn't listening. My testimony lately has grown on listening to the voice of the spirit, actively seeking answers to your questions. With diligently studying the scriptures, you will find the answers you are looking for. Ask specific questions and you will find the specific answers. This is the principle of FAITH! Pray to find, and then LOOK! ACT! And I have felt this principle act in my life this weekend. It strengthened my testimony even more about all those talks about how grateful we should be for a living prophet and the restoration. This weekend we saw the heavens opened and we were able to enjoy the bliss of listening to the word of God being revealed in these latter days. What a blessing we have as a people in the latter days!

This weekend has been really stressful. From programming baptisms that fell through, to finding out about transfers and that my new companion is going to be my old companion, Hna. Karina Palacios. She only has three months left in her mission, and although I don't know what's going to happen, I think I'll be with her when she finishes her mission. So we're in this. BUT I will not turn back nor turn down. I have accepted the call to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a disciple I will be.

Pres. Arnold is the Area Seventy here for Argentina, and E. Zivic who offered an opening prayer is from Buenos Aires. He actually spoke in a stake conference in Zapala, so it was especially sweet for us here in Argentina. His talk was especially touching.

Don't worry about baptism clothes. The members here need to do the service, nobody else. But thank you for the thought, I know it came with the best of intentions to help (That and I think that as a missionary I really shouldn't ask for help from home).

Has Barrett been sleeping wrong? Maybe that could be the cause of his pain. But also... exercise really can help too if you can believe it! Do it! And tell him CONGRATULATIONS! Our little brainiac.

Good luck with your nose mamma. Don't bleed to death please! Also tell Micah and Adam that I love them too, oh so very much. Love my baby so very much, and don't forget to pray for me!

Tell everyone that I said HI! And THANK YOU!!!! For everything. I really am grateful. I count my blessing that you all support me in the way that you do while I'm here on my mission.

Follow the counsels of the prophets and make daily goals TODAY to apply their words, the words of God, into your lives. (D&C 1:38)

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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