I've gotta work!

Lately I've been thinking a lot about my area. Our transfer ends in about two weeks, and I'm really hoping that the Lord doesn't see fit to take me out of Caleta. I really don't want to leave! If I leave, I think I would die. I want to stay in an area for a decent amount of time. If I'm here the next transfer that means that I'm here for two because my companion goes home at the end of the next transfer. I've been thinking about all of the people here, and the responsibility I have to help all of them learn about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. That there are so many being prepared to listen - I've gotta work!

I've also got to help everyone. Not be a burden but a help and a service.

This week has been long, and my Pday super short. Right now it's about 5 o'clock, the end of my Pday. We've been helping out an investigator of the elders with the birthday party decorations of their daughter. I'll try to send photos, they're really cute! But because of that, our Pday has come and gone yet again, leaving us with much more to do :)

This week Irma committed to be baptized. And her nutter of a mother who said that she wouldn't come to church came to church yesterday and said that she liked it. Irma's sons, Nicolas and Ariel, have come twice to church, and they love it too. This family is going to be baptized. Such good people. The kind of people who have trouble putting food on the table but offer you everything they have. Irma even came to church this week wearing a skirt. That's awesome! Hna. Aquino, my previous companion, and her companion before me found Nicolas and his brother on a bus and they got to talking. Mind you Nicolas is 10 years old. We saw them all the time in the street, but never really knew how to describe his house. They're still fairly new here. I'm telling you, it was no coincidence that they began talking to them on the bus. We're so happy for them and all the blessing they're going to receive! Even another son of hers, Yamil, has been robbing her Book of Mormon to read. WOOOOOOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Don't you just love seeing miracles?

Bueno, for right now I say toodles. Take care and strengthen your testimonies! Do the little things! Because through small and simple things to great things come to pass :)

Love you all

xoxoxoxoXXo, Hna. Georgeson


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