Really quick first of all, if you could find me the address of Benjamin Stocking please!

He was a sub of ours in the MTC, the best sub ever!!! I loved the first day he came to teach us. He came in and asked us how many of us had ADD, and from there announced that he had ADD and that we would always be doing fun stuff so he wouldn't get bored. He's awesome!

Anyway, I bet this is a surprise to be getting this email.... SURPRISE! Our leaders called us last night and announced to us that we were to be emailing today because Monday wouldn't be Pday like we thought. It's a surprise for us too! Woo hoo!

This morning my companion and I left running for exercises to go get our packages from our leaders, and please Please PLEASE tell Ashley and everyone in the single's branch "Thank you!!!!!"

Tomorrow will be the day of writing letters because it's Pday and everything is closed. But that's good!! I've really been needing to write letters. And wash clothes. And clean. To be honest we've been big bums.

Just kidding! No, just really busy! We've been working a lot. Slaving away in the sun! Here in Bariloche it doesn't get that hot, but these past few days we could've fried and egg on our arms. Well, on my arms, my companion's ears. How talented would that be? Oh, but I've loved it. A lovely change from the cold and dry. Right now it's hot and humid! Oh sweet, sweet bliss! Oh, I'm sorry, are you freezing your tuckah's off from the cold?!? MWA HA HA!!! I'm sorry, I'm done rubbing it in your faces. Just a little payback from a couple of months ago.

This week has been nuts. Working, running from appointment to appointment, eating Christmas left overs. My zone leader, E'Smoot, one of our elders from the MTC, was transferred, and my district leader from Caleta Olivia is now my district leader here too. Silly transfers. Oh yeah, we had transfers, and guess what!!!

I got transferred!

Just kidding! Hna. Dennison is really special, because she's only my second companion that I've had for more than one transfer. Yep, we're still together! So much to learn and so much to do! This week has been scary because we've been visiting and elderly woman who will die in the next few days, and every time we

I'm sorry, I just found a giant dragonfly in the window next to me.

We go to sing to her we think she'll stop breathing and die. It scares us every time. But okay. We'll keep trying to help any way we can.

So don't expect an email on Monday, I'll hear from you all on the 9th!

And my Hna. Palacios went home! Nuts! I can barely believe it! Wow. It goes by way too fast. Just gotta work hard so we don't lose a moment. It's like D&C 4. I don't know what it says in English, but read it and mull it over.

Tell Micah I'm proud of him and will send the letter as soon as I can.

Tell Adam I love him.

Tell Barrett he's tall. Haha, I love him too, the big galug.

¡¡¡FELIZ FIN DE AÑO!!! ¡Que lo pasen bien!

Cuidense, y ¡nos vemos en el año que viene!

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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