Use Preach My Gospel!

About the money, don´t be too worried, after the first year I've had to buy some things to replace... Shoes, my watch, my backpack... The watch was today. I just bought a new one because fixing my old one was so not worth it. Just watch - I'll come home with a whole new wardrobe! :)

Just kidding. I don't want to spend all this money on silly stuff like that!

Did you get the photos? (No I didn't.) I was so happy to find a computer that recognized my camera!

Today is the last pday of the transfer, so my companion and I took a stroll around Bariloche, because who knows who will be transferred!

This week has been record breaking. Hna. Dennison and I are decided that we are not going to tell anyone any more where we´re from. We get into too many macanas (or pickles I should say). Two people thought that we were spies this week. One wouldn't even tell us his name because he thought that we would send his information to Barak Obama. Silly little man. The next day he was like a different person. He told us his name and gave us his phone number.

We had a homeless prophesier preach to us. That was gross. He had dentures, but I don't get the purpose because only half of the teeth were in his dentures. He would be all calm, and then he would start spitting and yelling, waving his arms, pretending he was on the cross,and then he would start the cycle all over again. Un poco loco. After about ten minutes he said " It's nice to listen, isn't it?" and started to walk away, and then I said "Come back! If it's so nice to listen why don't you listen to what we have to say?" We bore our testimonies and invited him to church. Silly half-dentured man.

This week also my companion and I are putting into practice the use of Preach My Gospel in the ward. We did a survey yesterday. Supposedly about half of our ward has Preach My Gospel (11- about half of the active members). But we know that some of these people don't, because after asking them about Preach My Gospel, they ask "What's that?" For heavens sake. And nobody raised their hand when we asked how many of them use it. We've been thinking about it and we can't see a downfall in using Preach My Gospel. We will see success in all sides of the church after applying precepts found in Preach my Gospel. Lives of members will be blessed. Inactive members will come back to church. Attendance will increase, assistance of investigators will increase, lives will be enriched, testimonies found and strengthened, and the Lord's kingdom here in Alto 1 (the ward) will grow without fail. That is my gift of prophecy after appropriately applying the principles in Preach my Gospel. My favorite part I read in there was about making relationships, or making friends. Getting to know neighbors and all the people who are around you. Principally it gives you opportunities to bless someone else's life with the gospel, but it also enriches live with the friendships we so dearly crave. We lack that here a little bit, but Hna. Dennison and I are working hard so that the members lives will be blessed, and so that the missionary work will move forward.

Something Hna. Dennison told me yesterday helped me out a lot. She was talking about her MTC teacher and how much of a hard worker he was. It totally inspired me. My mind felt enlightened and my heart took courage.

Miracles are reachable!

That little phrase resonated in my head over and over again, and I took heart and began working harder. I feel like it's been so hard these past two transfers because I feel so unworthy to be a senior companion. I feel like I can't do it because let's face it- I stink! But something she said rang with me and gave me courage, faith, and a confidence I haven't felt in a long time. I felt the spirit of missionary work and the grave importance and lack of time to bring souls of my brothers and sisters unto God! I felt a little part of what I imagine Ammon, Aaron, and their other brothers felt. I felt invincible. I'm going to do my best to remind myself that miracles are reachable, and that the Lord is on my side (be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side!).

If I had any advice for any of you back home, read Preach my Gospel! Your lives will be enriched, your knowledge expanded, and testimonies strengthened and made firm. Use Preach My Gospel! September 2010 Liahona.

Love and miss you all! Take care and don't get too sick!

Love you lotsxoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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