Filled with righteous indignation!

Alright, the pictures - Hna. Sancé, the day I went to go look for her in Neuquén (the elders aren't my zone leaders. The one next to Hna. Sancé is Elder Isidro from Peru. He was in my zone for a long time in Zapala [Which I found out means "swamp" in mapuche]), and Itziar's baptism. Hooray!
This week has been really good. We've been working really hard and we made our numbers better. Not perfect, but better. We finally had ward council and we're going to be doing a marvelous work and a wonder with our members. They assigned me the talk the week after fast and testimony Sunday because they know that I'm going to tell the members exactly what's going on. It's not just us who feel it, but the bishopric too. They recognize that something is going on too. We (us and the ward leaders) have been having problems with ward participation in everything, and they know that Hna. Georgeson won't have any gaul letting them know what they're doing to recent converts and to their salvation.

I'm slightly filled with righteous indignation.

Yesterday was a spiritual and emotional turn-around day. We visited the recent convert Kami who has about 10 months being a member and already is inactive. She doesn't want to come to church anymore. She doesn't like it. There's nobody her age, almost nobody else in YW's, the members don't care for her, her Young Women's president either, and she feels victimized by the members because whenever she goes to YW mutual, something goes missing/stolen, and she knows that the members blame her. Know when it comes to the all missing things and what her YW pres supposedly said, I don't know. I do know, however, that she is a good girl. She has potential. She feels hurt. Yeah, she's a stinker. Immature. But whatever, she's 13. She looks a lot older, but she's still only 13 and everybody gets offended when she acts like a 13 year old. It drives me nuts when mature sisters from the ward tell me how offended they are when she doesn't come greet them. I just want to say "Sisters!! She's only 13 years old! YOU grow up!" She doesn't have an example in her home either. I don't know what goes on in her house, but it's not good. What she needs is mercy. She can't pay right now. She's spiritually and emotionally poor. She doesn't have the funds to earn the respect and love of members. She needs their mercy. After talking with her yesterday I wanted to cry. I understand! Because I know I was a pain in the bum too. But my leaders had mercy on me anyway. And I feel like they saved me. And how her leaders are not showing the same mercy and love that the Savior shares makes me righteously indignant. They're destroying their ward by their selfishness! They have no youth! They have 5 kids in primary on a good day. And what do the youth and primary leaders do? Nothing. They don't come to ward council, they don't visit their kids, nothing. I'm going to freak out one day and it won't be pretty. The kind of situation that makes me want to bang my head on the table.

Also, I found out that I am developing more charity and shedding fear of talking to everyone. I approached a drunk man yesterday. I normally avoid drunks that hang out on corners. I hate drunks and tweakers. They make me mad. But I came up to him and he let me take away his beer and we talked for a bit. He thought of you guys. He asked me if I had a mom. I said yes. He begins to cry as he asks me if I have little brothers. I said yes. And he starts busting up crying even more "That's beautiful." and says something about my family. I didn't really catch it all, but we're going to be visiting him. Lalo is his name. Pray for him too. It felt good to dump out the beer and break that stupid bottle.

Check that out. I'm developing patience and love for my fellow man! Aren't you proud of me? I'm trying to work so that we might begin to see miracles, which means leaving every rock turned upside down, and I know we'll see them. We've been seeing a lot more success trying to work like that, just keep praying for us that we'll have the inner strength to keep working like that. Because trust me, it's hard.

Love you all and take care! Say hi to everyone for me!

xoxo, Hna.Georgeson

Also mamma, a man named Pedro said this to me about two weeks ago "Your mother must be pretty" ("Tú mamá debe ser bonita") That made me a little creeped out, but an Argentine wanted you to know that you're pretty! ;D


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