OH MY GOSH, ANDRÉS GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH I did not even know anything about Libya! I heard something a couple weeks ago about something in Egypt, but this is insane! People ask us (me) if we (I) know what's going on in the world (with the US). And I had no idea! I was in the house of one of my converts the day of the earthquake and her TV was on when we came. I still can't believe the destruction. It's like those apocalyptic movies like Dante's Peak and Volcano. I can't believe it. My eyes deceive me. Yes, we are in the last days! Everybody cites a scripture that I still don't know where it is, but that in the last days the times goes by faster and I believe it!

We start transfers today again, and I'm still here with my refuerza Hna. Sancé. This transfer and one more. I can't believe how much time has gone by.

The last days indeed. I believe it. Let it be a warning that we really do have to prepare ourselves spiritually, for it's true. Following the prophet means so much more now. Have I said it before? I LOVE THE PROPHET! How I gained my testimony of him? I applied what he counseled us to do and I know I have been blessed. I know the prophet is called of God because my blessings have come from Him. I will follow the prophet. And what he says is true. Families are central (see Hna. Beck's message in Ensign from March). CERNTRISIMO! Which means really central.

I don't have much time to write, because I spent a lot of time writing my president my miracle story.

OH MY GOSH, ANDRÉS GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't even believe it! No, I could, but the moment was so surreal. We know it was a big difficult step for him, but oh how great the blessings will be. Okay, I think this ciber is closing, but just know that it was a miracle. A fight. But he made a covenant with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and now he is cleansed from his sins. He showed that he believes that the Lord will not guide him through wrong paths, and now how he will be blessed. We bawled our eyes out because it was such a beautiful moment. I know what we do now is so much more important than just having baptisms. I know that Heavenly Father was really pleased with his decision. He had been waiting to bless him for at least 15 years. His moment came. It was beautiful.

I love you all, and take care! Don't go too crazy on me!

Tell Adam Matt 15:17-18. I thought it was kind of funny.

Love you all lots!
Hna. Georgeson


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