Thanks a lot Alto 1!

(Okay, this one is late too! Sorry.)

I can't believe that they dissolved the branch! (They didn't.) Wow! The boys should drive out to Pocatello one Sunday and see how it is, just for kicks! I can't believe it! But maybe when I come back I'll have a calling in Primary or Young Women's just like every other sister here! :)


I really wish I could tell you that a bunch of stuff is going on, but now that I think about it, a bunch of stuff has been going on!

We now are preparing two to be baptized! Andrés this Saturday, and Juana the Saturday after. Juana has been a roller coaster. The first visit we invited her to be baptized, and she said for right now, no. And then we challenged her again the second visit, and she said yes! We were so happy! And then she went to a baptism and said that she felt good. And then she went to church and she seemed to enjoy the classes and meetings, and the next day she said that baptism just isn't for her! Imagine our surprise! We talked to her, listened to what had happened, and then we invited her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. We had invited her to read and pray before, but she stopped reading after the initial reading. We told her that's why! We told her that the key to knowing if she needs this baptism is knowing that the Book is true! The next visit she said that she will keep her baptismal date. That was a great relief to us, and a great answer to our prayers in her behalf. She didn't come to church yesterday, and she felt really bad. She had a really bad headache and didn't even wake up when we came knocking at her door. We taught her Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, and I don't think she'll miss another Sunday, because at least she now knows why it's so important to come to church.

Andrés has been investigating for the past 15-20 years. Everybody in the ward knows him. He's never really received an answer to his prayers that this church is true. He's read the Book of Mormon, but he's not reading to get something out of the experience. There's a lot of confusion about his experience investigating. Everybody says something else. We're just taking everything for his word for right now. This baptism is a step of faith for him. It's hard for him to exercise his faith. He's agreed to get baptized as a sign of faith. That God will let him know if this baptism is an abomination before Him. I believe he's already started panicking, but Hna. Sancé and I will be giving him tough love. He's just being silly. He needs to get over obnoxious fears and trust the Lord to do something.

We had a ward missionary activity. Almost half in attendance were not members. There were only about 10 or 11 people. We planned everything with our ward mission leader, and he couldn't even come! Hna. Sancé and I did almost everything ourselves. The bishop's wife supplied the refreshments :) It turned out into a half disaster, but whatever. Now we know a little more of what we're dealing with in the ward. We called a bunch of people to invite them, but nobody showed up of those whom we called.

Thanks a lot Alto 1.

I love these people desperately, but I think they're trying to kill me.

I didn't get to give my talk because the stake asked the Bishop to assign talks to get the youth revved up for Seminary. I'm sure the one youth that was in attendance really enjoyed it. Where are the others? What can I do for these people? They're driving me nuts. The Bishop was about to cancel ward council again until I gave him my "what" look. You know, the one that says "please tell me that that's a joke." If Hna. Georgeson has anything to say about it, we will have ward council, even if it's the missionaries, the bishop, and the bishop's wife representing the R.S.. We will have it. I say it's a call to emergency leadership. In the war chapters in the BoM Moroni, because of the wars, was appointed a type of emergency leader of the Nephite people, because basically they weren't capable to govern themselves normally during times of war. If these leaders don't step up, I say that the Bishop should take charge of everything and maybe reassign. That's way leftist/extremist, isn't it? I've gone crazy! In a thoroughly normal way. But all is well! We shall see change!

By the way, I still haven't given my talk. There we see once again the progression in the ward. Hopefully this next week.

I just remembered that I forgot my trunky papers again, so I'll have to write and ask you to send me the info next week. Oops. The mission secretary is going to hate me. No he won't, he loves me, but I won't be his favorite sister :}

Haha, I love you all! Take care and have a great week! Pray for us that we'll have success and inspiration, and Andrés that he'll make it to baptism!

lots of love, Hna. Georgeson


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