Go to your heart checkups!

Well. This week has been difficult. We've been trying to work but I guess not hard enough. We got nothing moving forward in the work.

Elder Aidukaitis focused on how us as a mission to see miracles, true conversion, and baptisms every week. He layed it into us good and hard. Which makes the results of this past week a lot harder to take.

One good thing: Itziar was baptized! Itziar is Ayrton's little sister. Hooray! It was a crazy baptism. The brother who baptized is an ex-boxer, and I don't care what he says, he's got a little bit of damage on the brain. We wrote him the prayer so that he could memorize it, but it took him four times to get it right. The other Hermanos were getting a little frustrated. And we made him practice the movements of dunking her, but that came out kind of funny too. The most important part... She was baptized. Afterward I asked her how she felt.

"Different. And clean!"

And yesterday when she was confirmed I asked her the same question.

"Different and good."

It's so sweet and awesome to see her faith. But I was reading an article this morning from the conference of Oct 2009 from Elder Redlund (I think that's his name) about keeping the lasting effects of conversion. He said it's like a heart transplant.You get a new heart and you have to go to regular checkups to make sure that your body isn't rejecting the new heart. You have to go to these checkups frequently to avoid the danger of your body rejecting the new heart. Sometimes people become lazy after the surgery, maybe not lazy, but lax. They don't go to all their checkups and they stop taking such good care of themselves. Then he makes the comparison on a more spiritual level. The Lord gives us a new heart - we are converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ! But then we become lax, light up on our prayers and scripture reading, and our spiritual hearts are in danger of being attacked by the natural man. We have to maintenance ourselves so that we can keep our new heart. Keep that in mind everyone!

Having Elder Aidukaitis come was a blessing. I really liked the conference. He put everything on real terms with us. He said everything without flinching. Fa!

I am getting along really well with my new companion. Hna. Sancé is wonderful and a great missionary. Everybody we talk to thinks that Guatemala is part of Mexico or they think that she doesn't already speak Spanish. They always ask her how long it took for her to learn Spanish or if it was hard for her. But in all reality, she's great. She works with faith and is learning really well to express herself and talk without being ashamed. It's a great blessing to be with her. Fresh faith and fresh ideas to get everyone up and moving along.

Love you all, and go to your heart checkups!
xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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