Bariloche 'till the end

Letter dated May 2nd:

Tomorrow is Día de Bariloche and yesterday was Día del Trabajador (like Labor day). Feriados all over the place!

First things first. I'm sorry for not writing last week. I was so caught up in trying to leave instructions for registration that I wasted all my time. I got permission today from president to do registration, so I'll go ahead and do it at a later time. Once again I'm really sorry, it was a lack of responsibility and care on my part. Also Mother's day is the 8th so I can call home! I will be calling around the same time that I called last year so be aware! It'll be about 20:00 here, so I think that it would be about 17:00 there. Fa, I think. Wait - that's this Sunday! WOW MOM!

Thirdly, today is transfers. I was not transferred. I get the immense pleasure of staying in Barioche 'till the end. But sadly Hna. Sancé is being sent to Neuquén. Mi refuerza me deja! She's leaving me! I'm really excited because she gets to progress and move on with her mission and have tons of great new experiences. It's a bummer because I'll really miss her. Our district leader told us the name of her new companion, but according to the missionary couple in the office, this sister doesn't exist. I think she'll be with my Hna. Jones, my companion from the MTC! That makes me happy because I haven't seen her since January 2010! I'm getting Hna. Jones' companion Hna. Bundy. I believe she got here in December. They told me that she's a fun and energetic missionary, so I'm excited. I think we'll get along just great.

In recent news, we decided to drop Andrés San Martín. It's really sad. He's so proud of heart and so ridiculously silly that it just doesn't penetrate to his brain! When we taught him the ten commandments, he began rallying on about the first commandment where God declares that he is a jealous God. We went to the scripture guide in the back of the scriptures and read that there are two definitions for jealous in the scriptures, the applicable one the first. We kept telling him the first definition, the first definition, but he just kept saying the second? The second? His lack of genuine listening was wearing on us. We taught about prophets and at the end he declared to us that he doesn't believe that there are living prophets. They didn't prophesy something new in conference, therefore Pres. Monson is not a prophet. He also began reading D&C and was accusing Joseph Smith of being an emphatic jerk (He was reading in D&C 28). We tried explaining to him but he wouldn't let us talk, he just kept accusing. That's it! We invited and taught him the best we could, and now it will be to his condemnation. I feel bad for his son. His mother a member, his father refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the church. His wife makes me sad. She's going to suffer her entire life for choosing him to be her husband. Their entire family will suffer. For that the church encourages that we court faithful members of the church to avoid such discord and strife. It makes me really sad to think about how much that family will suffer. Their poor son!

In happier news, we have four other baptismal dates. Elisa and Juaquín, who are mother and son, for the 14th. Cristina for this Saturday. She will be a work of faith and a miracle. She's hard to crack, but slowly we're gaining her confidence. She's not to big on organized religion because her mother made herself mentally ill from fasting and reading the Bible too much (Cristina was only about 15/13 years old). We found out recently that she prays to Gauchito Gil, who is bogus. He's not even a saint! His tale comes from Mendoza or Córdoba. He's the Argentine Robin Hood. Yet people pray to him all the time. This opportunity to work with Cristina will be great and wonderful. She's willing to listen. Just needs to be encouraged to try. I want to help her develop a relationship and trust with Heavenly Father.

As far as this week goes, that's all I got. I'm learning more and more about following the Spirit, working under his direction. Exercising power and authority. Developing charity. I'm continually learning about the law of consecration. I love my mission. It fills me with so much gratitude to think about how richly my life has been blessed. I have such little time left, but I'm not leaving without richly blessing someone else's life in the name of Jesus Christ.

How are you all doing? I haven't heard from you in about two weeks. How's it all going? Graduation plans? Work? Clubs? Other enjoyable recreational activities? What's the scoop? (I feel like I'm a part of the Scooby Do Gang. What a ham!)

There's a member here who's preparing for a mission. Leo- 20 years old. He reminds me a lot of Adam, with Barrett's hair. We were in their house yesterday and it really hit me. He looks a lot like Adam if he were Latin; they like the same kind of music. He even plays a little bit of Warcraft. A little. It made me think about how much I love my brothers! They mean the world to me. The world. They are a huge part of who I am. Adam, Micah, Barrett- I love you!

Also mama, I think more and more about what kind of member I will be like when I go home. I have come to realize that missionary work has everything to do with everything! I love the gospel! I think about how I will integrate missionary work into my everyday life. I think about it... and I think I'll be like you! I now get why you are always the last to leave... everything! You talk with everyone, you make them feel at home. You make them feel important and special. It's not because you're nuts- heaven's no! You didn't serve a mission, but you live in the spirit of missionary work.

And Daddy... you're my Daddy. I'll always love and admire you.

I gotta go, but take care and have a great week! I'll talk to you Sunday! MAKE ROOM IN YOUR SCHEDULES TO BE ABLE TO TALK TO ME 5 MINUTES EACH- MAMA you get 15 :)

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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