I don't have an accent?

Anyway, I don't have an accent? That's cool. I've got a talent for accents, so it makes sense that I haven't developed one. I haven't spoken English at all for the past 3 months, and I'm going to end that way. My companion and I are both from the U.S. but we're going to be speaking Spanish the entire time until I go. I promise, I'm speaking Spanish the entire time! I didn't get to tell anyone, but the other day a man we were talking to asked us our names, and Hna. Bundy said hers, and I said mine, and he said "She's from here, you can hear it in her voice." And then asking Hna. Bundy, "Where are you from?" TRIUMPH!!!

Hna. Bundy is amazing. She's great. She works in a way that I never have in my mission, and we're seeing so much more success. At times I find it demotivating the lack of progress the ward has made since I've been here. It really bums me out. But Hna. Bundy told me that her goal is to help me see the fruits of my labor here. At times I feel like a crotchety old missionary compared to her. But I love the way she works. It's a challenge, but one I like. It's not easy, but I know it's worth it.
By the way, Hna. Sancé did end up with Hna. Jones. Qué tal.

Cristina didn't make it to her original baptismal date. But after this last lesson this past Saturday she's even more excited. When I say excited it's like Daddy excited (w o w). But you can tell she's looking more forward to it. She asked us at what time it would be and everything. She went to church yesterday, and she seemed to have a good experience. We're very content :)

Not really too much to say right now.

Well, I did talk to you all yesterday.

Take care and love you all lots! Concerning the new branch, or ward, or whatever it is, go anyway. Support the decisions of local church leaders. You'll all be blessed for it.

Tell bub not to worry about it. The Lord will help him no matter what he wants to do.

Love love love, Hna. Georgeson

P.S. I'll let you know more and more about miracles next week.

Wait - I'll tell you one. Last week we passed by the house of a new investigator whose a little slower. We wanted her to pray, but she didn't want to. Instead of giving up and doing it ourselves, we guided her through all the steps. It took a while, but it was a sweet moment. We helped a daughter of God open the doors of communication with her Heavenly Father. Yay. That's all :)


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