NOW I get the message from Janelle :) Just kidding! Let her know I think about her too and I loooove her!

Kristin is married!!!!!!!!!

Rhawnie is pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!


Por qué el mundo sigue tan rápido???? Ré loco!!!

Anyway, zone conference yesterday! Bittersweet because it's my last! But it was great. We listened to the talk from Elder Oaks about desires, because in reality, everything has to do with our desires. It blows my mind away! The thing that I loved the most was when president showed a talk given by Elder Holland in the MTC in January this year. It made all of us think.

It stirs up tiernos sentimientos upon thinking about this moment.

I must say it again, I loooove being companions with Hna. Bundy. Ella es un pan de Dios! Really, she's a sweetheart, a hard worker, and a motivated missionary. She has patience and confidence in me. She's helped me a lot in these two short weeks. I know that Alto 1 will be in good hands when I go. She never ceases to amaze me.

Cristina got baptized! Her cousin, Diego Sepulveda baptized her. Her daughter came to the service. The next day when she was confirmed she cried. She felt the spirit. She received a witness, and I'm so happy she did. It came out great.

We're now fighting for Walter, the husband of a member, to be baptized. We're teaching him tonight, and we're going to try to set the date. We're also fighting for Marta and her family so they can be baptized also. Marta I met when I was here with Hna. Smith, and always wanted to visit her, but never found her. I say she's the reason why I haven't left yet! I needed to find and baptize her and her family! We're aiming for a baptism on Hna. Bundy's birthday, May 26.

I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! And I love my crazy Argentines. I have dreams at night. Weird dreams. Sad dreams. If I'm not working in the mission field, I'm going home, and it makes me sad. Last night it was Johnny Depp dressed up as Jack Sparrow as a member. Hna. Bundy and I called him Sparrow and he didn't like it, and was trying to avoid us. But when I called him Johnny he came and said "How can I help? Who needs fellowshipping?" And then I woke up. But I liked it. I would love Jack/Johnny to accompany us.

Gotta go, but I love you all! Stay cheery and cool! Keep my baby well! Keep yourselves well!

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson


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