THIS WEEK WE HAVE A MIRACLE BAPTISM!!! And we're excited. He's been a tough cookie. He's the husband of an ex-missionary and has been investigating for the past twelve years, and now he feels is the time to put his family together. That's his main reason. He's a good husband and father, and wants that family unity, and that's a big push for him. He will get his confirmation as he works and learns in the gospel. His son just turned 14, so we think that his son will be able to baptize him. BUT his family still doesn't know! That's okay, a sweet little surprise for his family on Saturday.

This weekend is stake conference. We're getting a special satellite broadcast from Salt Lake. A baptism for stake conference. A baptism for my last week. That makes my little heart sing.

We've been working more and more with members this past week. We had 13 lessons with members, when we struggle to get 7! We're involving members more and more and we've been meeting with success. All of our new investigators have friends in the church. The bummer is that we didn't get to meet all of our goals because...


Puyehue, a volcano about 100 Km from in in Chile erupted spreading ash all over the place. We were helping the members clean the church when we noticed a big nasty cloud coming in. We thought "Snap that a huge storm!" and then when we went outside we realized that it wasn't rain, but ash and pumice. We left with a member to visit some appointments, and we asked him "should we be worried?" Na, he said, we were fine. We left out of our first visit, and people are running around with hospital masks like crazy "Are you sure we shouldn't be worried?" Na, we were fine. When we left out of our second visit we realized that we had a couple calls from our district leader. Turned out we weren't supposed to be outside. We thought that it was fine and we waited for someone to let us know that it wasn't okay. Alright, they call us two hours later. But we're fine. We bought some food and began boiling water-I believe that we now have enough water to last us a month. We've got water all over the place. I'll show you the pictures when I get home.

Yesterday only five of us were in church - us, the ward mission leader, the
bishop, and my convert Andrés Vila. Then an hermana came at the end. The stake president also came and called us the wimpiest ward :) We had sacrament meeting and shared testimonies. It was cute. They didn't want us walking around yesterday, so they said that we can visit members or stay in the pension. We were in the pension for a couple of hours and my companion decided that she was going to go crazy, so we ended the day visiting members. We had ash all over the place. I imagine that when I'm home I'll still have ash in my hair :)

And now Bariloche looks like the beach.

Wow! I can't believe that I forgot! It was crazy the first night because ash was falling like snow and there was some killer lightning. It was intense! The windows were rattling, and the thunder lasted for 30 seconds at a time I say! It was the shortest shower I have ever taken because I was so freaked out :)

The bummer is that now I have to visit a bunch of members to say goodbye since they weren't in church, especially to remind them that we have stake conference this weekend.

I gotta go, but take care! And I'll see you soon!

xoxo, Hna. Georgeson

The pics are from Hna. Bundy's camera, therefore she is in the picture of our patio Sunday morning.


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