June 28 Pictures

Regarding the world of soccer, please regard my email to Barrett for my sentiments on the matter. I still hope everything is going alright- the car, the familly, the dogs, the dancing chocolate chickens... What? Who said that? I would send you pictures (yet again), but everything is stupid. Why won't everything work?!?!??? BBBBBAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! There are times where I feel like Charlie Brown. The poor kid doesn't ask for anything, yet the crap seems to fall on his lap. BUT to help make up for it he has a pretty sweet dog that can fly his doghouse like the Red Baron with a cool yellow bird for a sidekick. And throughout it all, he keeps moving forward. I just want to say, first of all, THANK YOU ALL OF YOU WHO WROTE ME! And Des, I got your letter, it made me SSSSOOOOOO happy! I love you lots and lots and lots! I was actually thinking about you the other day. I was telling my comp about your brothers. Yay for Des!!! And yes, I miss our partieees :) Right now we're in week f...